Am I a Standard User or a Low User for Power?
This is a common question for Kiwis so don’t worry, we’re here to help you make a fully informed choice, starting with what electricity plan you should be on.
Choosing the wrong user plan will cost you more money in the end, don’t be tricked into thinking a Low User plan means low costs, if you are a Standard User you need to be on a Standard pricing plan to save money on your power.
Your plan may change based on how many people are living at your house, what appliances you have running, and what is used to cook with and heat the home. With so many factors to consider, below are some helpful tips on how to decide which user you are.
Remember, our friendly team are just a call away on 0508 2COMPARE (0508 226672)

In the pink parts of the map, if you are using less than 8000 kW/h units a year then you should be on a Low User Power plan. If you live in the green parts of the map then you should be a Low User if you use less than 9000 kW/h units.
Low User Power Plans
So, are you a low user? If you consume a small amount of power this could be you! Generally speaking, your house may only have 1-2 occupants and the home may be well insulated and energy efficient.
In the North Island and the top of the South Island, a low user consumes less than 8000 kWh across the year and would generally spend less than $160-$180 per month on their electricity bill.
In the lower parts of the South Island, where the weather can be a lot cooler, a low user typically consumes less than 9000 kWh across the year.
Standard User Power Plan
Standard User electricity plans have a higher daily charge but a lower charge per kWh or unit of power used, so it's ideal if your electricity usage is relatively high. As a standard user, you may have a larger home or have more occupants increasing your overall usage. If this is the case, a standard electricity plan is the right fit for your household!
In the North Island and the top of the South Island, a standard user consumes more than 8000 kWh across the year and would generally spend above $180 per month on their electricity bill.
In the lower parts of the South Island, where the weather can be a lot cooler causing usage to spike to keep warm, a standard user typically consumes more than 9000 kWh across the year.
Compare Standard User Power plans
Are there different charges for Low User or Standard User Electricity Plans?
Yes there are, that’s why it’s important to make sure you’re on the right plan. Electricity Distribution companies charge different rates for Low Users and Standard Users of Electricity.
Standard User Plans have a higher fixed daily charge, but a lower charge per kWH you use. So, if you are using lots of electricity the lower unit charge balances things out to give you the best.
Low User Plans charge a lower fixed daily charge, but a higher charge per kWH you use. So, if you don’t use much electricity you will pay less than on a Standard User Plan.
All electricity retailers in NZ are required to offer a low fixed charge tariff or what you may know as low user plan/s to consumers at their main place of residence. It's important to remember that just because it's offered, does not make it the correct plan for your household to be on. Some energy retailers will regularly review the pricing plan (low or standard) that you are on, to ensure you are on the right plan for your household… others won’t, so make sure you keep an eye on your usage levels and regularly ‘audit’ your bills. If you think you need to change your plan, give our team a call on 0508 2COMPARE (0508 226672). We are here to help you understand your needs and choose the provider that fits those needs.
Switching can help you save money, take a look today.