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NZ Solar Energy Buy-back Rates

Retailer   Buy-Back Rate
L_1.jpg Electric Kiwi 8c/kWh on most available plans with 12.5c/kWh on the Movemaster Plan
Logo%20-%20white.png Megatel 7.4c/kWh
Genesis EnergyGenesis Energy12c/kWh
e8kemmeCvPnR_GWO2U7nmZLVnnPqk62q.jpg Contact Energy  8c/kWh. Maximum size capacity of 10kW.
Nova%20logo_Mobile%20Compare.%20230x230.png Nova Energy 10c/kWh
pulse.png Pulse Energy The buy-back rate varies by location.
eco.jpg Ecotricity 12c/kWh - 16c/kWh, the rate varies and is dependant on if you have a battery installed at home.
powershop_broadbandcompare.jpg Powershop 13c per kWh on a flexi term, there’s no buy-back cap and no leaving fees. Plus you can $150 free credit* over the first 12 months with us. *T&C and eligibility criteria apply.
black-box-power-logo.png Blackbox Power The buy-back rate varies by location.
frank.png Frank Energy 11c/kWh. Your system size should be 50kw or less. Please note,  Frank Energy is currently not set up for GST registered customers.
flick.png Flick Electric 13.2c/kWh (indicative). The buy-back rate varies according to the wholesale electricity price. The indicative buy-back rate shown is based on a 12-month national price forecast applied to a typical solar profile. Please contact Flick for more details. 
meri.png Meridian Energy 17c/kWh on a 5year contract  or 12c/kWh on all other plans.
merc.png Mercury Energy 8.5c/kWh 
octopus.png Octopus Energy 12c/kWh on open term plans.  17c/kWh on fixed term plans. Generation capacity of your system should be less than 10kW.
toast240.png Toast Electric 10c/kWh in Wellingston, Hutt Valley, Porirua, Kapiti & Horowhenua.
comtricity240.png Comtricity 14c/kWh - 15c/kWh, the buy-back rate varies by location.
nmr240.png Nau Mai Ra No solar buy-back rate available. 
globug.png Globug No solar buy-back rate available. 
Tensor%20NZ%20logo-light%20230x230.png Tensor No solar buy-back rate available. 
Orcon-horiz-140.png Orcon No solar buy-back rate available. 

NB: This information has been sourced directly from the providers website. Updated April 2024.