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Best Power Deals

Best Power Deals

How do I find a better electricity deal?

Power Compare can help you find a better power deal — below are some amazing electricity deals Power Compare can help you switch to right now. Simply hit "Compare now" to get started. 

Will changing power providers lead to an interruption to my supply?

No. Your new energy supplier will continue to use exactly the same wires, cables, pipes and meters that you currently use. Switching provider isn't about getting physically different power: it's simply about changing who is billing you for that energy.
Your new power company will also contact your existing provider to arrange the transfer to make sure there is no disruption to your service. The process is painless so don't let it put you off changing electricity providers.
If you're thinking of switching electricity supplier, don't be put off because you think it will be difficult. Regardless of whether you have switched your power online before, our process makes changing energy provider quick and easy. You could save hundreds every year simply by switching to a cheap electric company.

Does cheaper power mean poor customer service?

If you're concerned that switching to a cheaper power company will mean sacrificing service, you don't need to. You can check out Power Compare's reviews to see where suppliers stacked up in categories including customer service, value for money, transfer process and more.

How comparing power plans work?

There isn't one single best power company for everyone. Finding the best energy provider for you will depend on the type of meter you have (standard or smart meter), what type of tariff you would prefer (fixed or variable), and whether you would like your power to be renewable.
To find the right power deal for you, you'll need to tell where you live — so have your address ready to start your comparison for energy deals! We'll search our database for power companies available in your area.

Why should I change electricity supplier?

The main reason most people switch electricity company is to save money; however, there are other reasons. Some people value customer service above cash savings and others want to sign up to a green energy plan.
Whatever your preference your first step will be running a power deal comparison. Should you find a plan or sign-up deal that appeals to you more than the one you are on at the moment then you can switch power provider quickly and easily.

What's the difference between the other electricity company and my current energy company?

When it comes to the electricity itself, there is no difference at all. A cheap power supply is the same electricity, it's simply provided by a new company (unless you opt for green energy). As providers buy and generate different sets of power they also have different prices. What's more, you might be on a tariff that is simply more expensive, such as a Standard Plan or Low User Plan. More about Standard User and Low User. If you decide to switch power don't equate a lower price with worse service.